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Ethical Challenges of Business in the New Economy

    The CEMS Business Ethics Faculty Group organized a Blocked Seminar entitled “Ethical Challenges of Business in the New Economy” in September 1-7, 2013 in Balatonszemes, Hungary. The seminar was based on the recently published book by CEMS Business Ethics Faculty Group (Laszlo Zsolnai (ed): Handbook of Business Ethics. Oxford, Peter Lang, 2012). The course addressed behavioral, organizational and institutional issues related to doing business in an ethical and socially responsible way. Examples of alternative entrepreneurship will  be  presented… Read More »Ethical Challenges of Business in the New Economy

    Spirituality and Sustainability Conference

      The Business Ethics Center of the Corvinus University of Budapest, the European SPES Forum, and the ERENET – Entrepreneurship Research and Education Network of Central European Universities organized an international conference on Spirituality and Sustainability: A New Path for Entrepreneurship in September 21-23, 2012, Visegrad, Hungary. Issues to be addressed were as follows: What are the spiritual orientations to nature in different cultural traditions  (e.g. Christianity, Buddhism, etc.)? How can spirituality and ecology contribute to transforming contemporary management theory and praxis? How art… Read More »Spirituality and Sustainability Conference

      Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and the Common Good – International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives

        Carole Bonanni, Francois Lépineux & Julia Roloff (eds.) Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and the Common Good – International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Palgrave-Macmillan, London, 2012. (This book may be available at: Palgrave) What motivated us to put together this collection of essays on social responsibility, entrepreneurship and the common good? Why is it important to confront these three themes? Because we feel, along with many others, that the time for reinventing business has come; and this implies thinking differently, jumping… Read More »Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and the Common Good – International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives

        Redefining the Roles and Duties of Management

          Laszlo Zsolnai, Sven Junghagen, and Antonio Tencati ‘Redefining the Roles and Duties of Management.’ Journal of Global Responsibility , 2012, vol.3, no. 1, pp. 121-133 The paper analyses the crisis of the business profession and the role that management education can play in renewing business management. It is argued that unless future managers demonstrate that they serve the common good in their daily practice, the legitimacy and moral standing of the business profession remain questionable. The paper presents the… Read More »Redefining the Roles and Duties of Management

          Business, Spirituality & the Common Good

            Mike Thompson (ed.) Business, Spirituality & the Common Good. Russel Media, Boise, Idaho, 2011. (This book may be available at: Amazon) Business, Spirituality and the Common Good provides a robust and thorough look at the nature of business and spirituality and how they can reinforce each other for human flourishing and the common good of all. the book does not offer a one size fits all answer to complex questions, rather it provokes the reader to think deeply on… Read More »Business, Spirituality & the Common Good

            CEMS PhD Workshop

              A CEMS PhD workshop entitled “Sustainability and Responsibility in Business” was organized in May 20-21, 2011 at the  Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary. The workshop introduced cutting-edge results and approaches in corporate sustainability and business ethics. Insights from behavioral sciences, positive psychology and ecological economics were applied to arrive at more a robust model of ethical and sustainable business. Working examples of progressive businesses were presented including organic agriculture, eco-gastronomy, ethical fashion and sustainable banking. … Read More »CEMS PhD Workshop

              The Palgrave Handbook of Spirituality and Business

                Luk Bouckaert & Laszlo Zsolnai (Eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Spirituality and Business. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. (This book may be available at Amazon) The handbook summarizes the most important issues, approaches and models in the field of spirituality in business, economics and society. It presents a comprehensive pluralistic view covering all the major religious and spiritual traditions. It is a response to three developments that challenge the business-as-usual mindset. Firstly, in response to a growing… Read More »The Palgrave Handbook of Spirituality and Business

                Spiritual Humanism and Economic Wisdom

                  Hendrik Opdebeeck & Laszlo Zsolnai (Eds.): Spiritual Humanism and Economic Wisdom. Garant, Antwerpen and Apeldoom, 2011. (This book may be available at Garant) The book contains essays in honor of the 70th anniversary of K.U.Leuven professor Luk Bouckaert, co-founder of the European SPES forum, which aims to make spirituality accessible as a public good to as many people as possible. In the spirit of the European SPES forum, this volume covers issues of contemporary economics… Read More »Spiritual Humanism and Economic Wisdom

                  Spirituality and Ethics in Management (Second Edition)

                    Laszlo Zsolnai (Ed.): Spirituality and Ethics in Management. Springer, 2011. (This book may be available at Springer) The book is a collection of scholarly papers focusing on the role of spirituality and ethics in renewing the contemporary management praxis. The basic argument is that a more inclusive, holistic and peaceful approach to management is needed if business and political leaders are to uplift the environmentally degrading and socially disintegrating world of our age. The book… Read More »Spirituality and Ethics in Management (Second Edition)

                    Respect and Economic Democracy

                      Luk Bouckaert & Pasquale Arena (eds.) Respect and Economic Democracy. Garant, Antwerp/Appeldom, 2010. (This book may be available at: European SPES Forum) Respect and Economic Democracy is based on the hypothesis that democracy will become a growing ingredient of good business and leadership. Many contributions of this sixth European SPES Cahier disclosing new practices of democratic entrepreneurship confirm this hypothesis. The authors assume that economic democracy implies a commitment rooted in respect and explore the spiritual, ethical and… Read More »Respect and Economic Democracy