The Business Ethics Center of the Corvinus University of Budapest, the European SPES Forum, and the ERENET – Entrepreneurship Research and Education Network of Central European Universities organized an international conference on Spirituality and Sustainability: A New Path for Entrepreneurship in September 21-23, 2012, Visegrad, Hungary.

Spirituality and Sustainability Conference
Issues to be addressed were as follows:
What are the spiritual orientations to nature in different cultural traditions (e.g. Christianity, Buddhism, etc.)? How can spirituality and ecology contribute to transforming contemporary management theory and praxis? How art can influence the commitment of people and organizations to sustainability and nature? Which are the promising sustainability business models in Europe and other parts of the world? Which new leadership roles emerge for sustainability in business? How entrepreneurship can be inspired by nature and spirituality in a meaningful way?
János Vargha, Alternative Nobel Prize environmentalist speaks about Free Rivers.
Professor Paul Shrivastava (Concordia University, Montreal) speaks about Arting for Sustainability
Session on Catholic Social Thought (Antal Szabó, Scientific Director of ERENET, Dominican sister Sarolta Baritz, Professor Luk Bouckaert, Catholic University of Leuven, and Professor Katalin Botos, Pázmány Catholic University
Further information and Call for paper:
Spirituality and Sustainability- A New Path for Entrepreneurship