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How to Renew Business Ethics Education?

    My paper on “How to Renew Business Ethics Education?” was published in Journal of Human Values in 2024 August. The paper argues that business ethics education is losing credibility worldwide. This is partly due to the experience that teaching ethics in business schools does not necessarily help future professionals to be more ethical in business. The article suggests that business ethics courses should be renewed both in contents and pedagogy. It advances a position that… Read More »How to Renew Business Ethics Education?

    The Awakened Brain

      Laszlo Zsolnai’s review on Lisa Miller’s book “The Aawkened Brain” has been published in Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 19(5) October 2022. pp. 546-549. DOI: Lisa Miller is a professor of psychology at Columbia University who has a joint appointment at Columbia Teachers College and Columbia Medical School. She is a well-known scholar in the field of spirituality and depression and serves as the founding director of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute at… Read More »The Awakened Brain

      Spirituality and Economics

        My paper on “Spirituality and Economics” has been published in the Journal for the Study of Spirituality in the UK. This paper argues that mainstream economics is a materialist and reductionist science. It criticizes the core assumptions of mainstream economics – namely, the existence of ‘Homo Oeconomicus’ and the goals of profit maximization, economic efficiency, and economic growth; and shows that these goals lead to an economy that is not only unhealthy for people… Read More »Spirituality and Economics

        Ecologies of Transdisciplinary Research

          Paul Shrivastava, Laszlo Zsolnai, David Wasieleski, and Philippe Mairesse: “Ecologies of Transdisciplinary Research” Ground Works 2022 August In this paper the authors consider transdisciplinarity to be qualitatively different from interdisciplinarity or multidisciplinarity in several crucial ways. Transdisciplinary work takes its problems from the real world and not disciplinary gaps in knowledge or combining disciplines for innovative new understandings. Transdisciplinarity involves co-creation of integrated knowledge across disciplines with stakeholders to solve problems on the ground.… Read More »Ecologies of Transdisciplinary Research

          Spirituality, religion and the functioning of the economy

            Laszlo Zsolnai: “Spirituality, religion and the functioning of the economy” JOURNAL FOR THE STUDY OF SPIRITUALITY 2022. No. 1. This article describes the background to, and focus of, a new and extensive research program being undertaken at the Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies of the Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary. Entitled the Economy and Religion Program, it aims to explore and study the multiple roles that religion and spirituality play in the functioning of the… Read More »Spirituality, religion and the functioning of the economy

            Wellbeing Oriented Organizations

              I published a major paper on Wellbeing Oriented Organizations with Paul Shrivastava (Penn State University). We argue for connecting human flourishing with ecological regeneration and provide real world examples of innovative business and social organizations doing this. The paper is available online as open access publication at

              Art and Aesthetics in Sustainability Education

                Sybille Persson, Paul Shrivastava and Laszlo Zsolnai: “Art and Aesthetics in Sustainability Education. Insights into Beautifying Management Education with François Jullien” RIPCO (Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels) Vol XXVII, Issue 71, 2021 pp. 75-98. The paper questions the conceptual basis of art and aesthetics used in management education in order to foster sustainability education. Our specific approach is to open a dialogue with the Chinese conception of aesthetics, particularly focusing… Read More »Art and Aesthetics in Sustainability Education

                Ethics and Spirituality

                  Laszlo Zsolnai: “Ethics and Spirituality” in Yochanan Altman, Judi Neal and Wolfgang Mayrhofer (Eds.): Workplace Spirituality. Making a Difference. 2022. De Gruyter. pp. 75-83. The paper discusses the relationship between ethics and spirituality in business and management context. It shows that business ethics lacks a deeper existential-spiritual foundation which causes inadequate and ineffective functioning of ethics in business and management. The paper argues for spiritual-based business ethics and presents some research tracks, namely Integral Ecology,… Read More »Ethics and Spirituality

                  Frugality, Intrinsic Value of Nature, and Wellbeing-Oriented Businesses

                    Laszlo Zsolnai ‘Frugality, Intrinsic Value of Nature, and Wellbeing-Oriented Businesses.’ The Journal of the Macau Ricci Institute, 2021, vol. 7. The paper suggests three key ideas that are crucial to change the economic paradigm towards an economy oriented to the common good based on solidarity and fairness. These are frugality in consumption and production, acknowledging the intrinsic value of nature, and developing wellbeing oriented businesses. Frugality, Intrinsic Value of Nature, and Wellbeing-Oriented Businesses (English) Frugality, Intrinsic Value… Read More »Frugality, Intrinsic Value of Nature, and Wellbeing-Oriented Businesses

                    Business and Violence

                      Laszlo Zsolnai ‘Business and Violence.’ , in New Frontiers in Conflict Management and Peace Economics: With a Focus on Human Security, eds. M. Chatterji, and P. Gangopadhyay, Emerald, UK, 2021. (This book may be available at: Emerald) Today business, especially mainstream global business, seems to be at war with society and nature. Striving for profit and competitiveness, mainstream business produces monetary results at the expense of nature, society and future generations. With its exclusive focus on profit-making, mainstream businesses… Read More »Business and Violence