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On Responsible Competitiveness

    From June 22-23, 2006,  the  Eni Enrico Matei Foundation held its conference on  “The Potential of CSR to Support the Implementation of the EU Lisbon Strategy” in Milan. As one of the keynote speakers, Laszlo Zsolnai presented his paper on “Responsible Competitiveness.” He argued that the key to sustainable competitive advantage of companies is the “fittingness” in the ecological, social and cultural context in which they operate and their ability to serve multiple stakeholders in a nonsubstitutable way. On… Read More »On Responsible Competitiveness

    Green Economics in Oxford

      On April 8 2006 the First International Green Economics conference was held in Oxford at Mansfield College.  As invited speaker, Laszlo Zsolnai presented a paper on “Redefining Economic Reason,” in which he argued for the reinterpretation of economic rationality in the light of ecological, social and future generations values. Green Economics in Oxford

      Globalization from Christian and Buddhist Perspectives

        On March 24, 2006, UCSIA organized  an open debate at the University of Antwerpon Globalization from Christian and Buddhist Perspectives. Johan Verstraeten from the Theology Department of the Catholic University of Leuven presented the Christian view, while Laszlo Zsolnai presented a Buddhist approach. There was a consensus that globalization needs ethical and environmental constraints for a more human and sustainable future. Globalization from Christian and Buddhist Perspectives

        On the Limits of Business in Gent

          On March 15, 2006, the Flemish Business Ethics Network held an open debate at the University of Gent on the book Business within Limits: Deep Ecology and Buddhist Economics (edited by Laszlo Zsolnai and Knut J. Ims, 2006. Peter Lang, Oxford). Laszlo Zsolnai’s presentation was followed with reflections by Frans de Clerck (Triodos Bank), and  Win Vandekerckhove (University of Gent) and Professor Balu (University of Gent). On the Limits of Business in Gent

          Presentation in Bodo

            On October 13, 2005, the opening conference of the Center for Ecological Economics and Ethics at the Bodø Graduate School of Business took place in Bodo, Norway. Laszlo Zsolnai and Knut J. Ims were invited to present their book Business within Limits: Deep Ecology and Buddhist Economics. They reflected on the legacy of Norwegian eco-philosopher Arne Naess for renewing economics on the basis of ecology and ethics. Presentation in Bodo

            NNH Bergen

              On January 25, 2005, Laszlo Zsolnai and Knut J. Ims gave a joint lecture at the Norwegian School of Economic & Business Administration (NHH) in Bergen, Norway. They presented the main points of their book Business within Limits: Deep Ecology and Buddhist Economics.

              Lecture at CNAM, Paris

                Laszlo Zsolnai gave a lecture for a symposium devoted to the normative aspects of stakeholder theory, organized by Yvon Pesqueux at the Conservatoire National des Arts and Métiers (C.N.A.M.), on November 26, 2004, in Paris. Other speakers were Pierre Kletz (I.A.E. Tours), Jacob Dahl Rendtorff (Rosdilke’s University) and François Lepineux (INSEAD). Laszlo Zsolnai argued that nature, society and future generations should be included among the stakeholders of business. The extended stakeholder framework calls for a radical transformation of business into a sustainable, prosocial, and future-enhancing… Read More »Lecture at CNAM, Paris

                Lecturing on Buddhist Economics in Leuven

                  Invited by the Catholic University of Leuven, the University of Gent and the Flemish Business Ethics Network, Laszlo Zsolnai gave a public lecture on Buddhist economics  on October 20, 2004, in Leuven, Belgium. The lecture was opened by Professor M. Vervenne, vice-rector of the Catholic University of Leuven. In his lecture, Laszlo Zsolnai argued that the principles of Buddhist economics could be applied in any economic setting. As an alternative to mainstream Western economics, Buddhist economics is superbly rational, ethical,… Read More »Lecturing on Buddhist Economics in Leuven

                  Transatlantic Business Ethics Conference in Barcelona

                    The Transatlantic Business Ethics Conference Series was initiated by the Business Ethics Center in 2000. The first Transatlantic Summit was organized in Budapest in September 2000, while the second was held in September 2002 at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.  The third one, entitled “Redefining Success in Business,” was held at ESADE Business School in Barcelona from October 1-3, 2004. Laszlo Zsolnai gave a presentation entitled  “Succeeding Together: Business Performance in Multiple Value Perspective”. Transatlantic Business Ethics Conference in… Read More »Transatlantic Business Ethics Conference in Barcelona

                    Love in Business: Sentimentality or the Ultimate Virtue?

                      Kenneth J. Barnes and Laszlo Zsolnai made a joint presentation on “Love in Business: Sentimentality or the Ultimate Virtue?” at the European SPES Annual Conference in May 24-26, 2018 in Leuven, Belgium. They argued that On the basis of calculative self-interest business cannot regain trust from the public and cannot get deep support from its stakeholders. For re-establishing trust and getting deep support business should show that it loves and serves its all stakeholders. Love… Read More »Love in Business: Sentimentality or the Ultimate Virtue?