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The Awakened Brain in Business Education

    Laszlo Zsolnai gave a lecture on “The Awakened Brain in Business Education” in the “Awakened Brain & Awakened Campus” joint worksop of Columbia University and Corvinus University of Budapest on July 8, 2024 in Budapest. In his talk Zsolnai stated that the extreme materialistic value orientation of economics and business cannot help studentsto find deeper meaning and higher purposein their professon. He called for a deep reform of business education and introduced the concept of … Read More »The Awakened Brain in Business Education

    The Economics of Pope Francis & The Economy of Francesco

      Laszlo Zsolnai and Andras Ocsai gave a keynote lecture on “The Economics of Pope Francis & The Economy of Francesco” at the 20th Anniversary Conference of European SPES on June 20, 2024. In their lecture they investigated the development of Pope Francis’ economic views, and explored their relationship with the new findings of ecological economics and psychology of wellbeing. Also, they analyzed the main economic messages of the encyclicals of Pope Francis and to present… Read More »The Economics of Pope Francis & The Economy of Francesco

      Conscious Business Models

        Laszlo Zsolnai gave a talk on Conscious Business Models for the Spanish Conscious Capitalism Network on March 6, 2024. Zsolnai suggested three dedining characteristics of conscious bsuinesses, namely they give priority to intrinsic motivation over extrinsic one, are orientated toward the common good, and measure success in multi-dimensional, holistic terms. He presented the cases of Patagonia, Triodos Bank, and Organic India as successful working models of conscious business. Finally, he concluded that conscious (spiritual-based) business… Read More »Conscious Business Models

        The Attention Economy talk

          Laszlo Zsolnai delivered a lecture on “The Business of Info-Communication Technologies” in the conference “Toward a systemic concept of attention for the attention economy, using Buddhist and Western ethics” organized by the Eindhoven University of Technology in February 6-7, 2024. In his lecture Zsolnai argued that info-communication technology companies represent a new form of corporate transgression as they  want to devoid human beings from their fee will and consciousness. Business ethics offers a number of… Read More »The Attention Economy talk

          Gift Giving in Business

            On June 26, 2023 gave a presentation on Gift Giving in Business at the Management & Gift workshop of The Economy of Francesco program. He focused on two questions: (1) What should a leader be like and what decisions does the leader take to make a company generative? and (2) What is the spirituality that enables dialogue between poverty and management? Zsolnai’s presentation emphasized that a business leader should be genuinely altruistic, i.e. giving without… Read More »Gift Giving in Business

            Art and Ecological Regeneration

              Laszlo Zsolnai gave a keynote lecture on ” Art and Ecological Regeneration” at the Photography MA graduation of MOME on May 16, 2023. He argued against the market metaphysics that dominates business and economics as well as almost all spheres of social life today. He suggested to follow the idea of “beautiful act” by Immanuel Kant which requires doing gentle, careful ways of living and acting. Acknowledging the intrinsic value of things and measuring success… Read More »Art and Ecological Regeneration

              Beyond Materialism & Reductionism

                Laszlo Zsolnai gave a keynote presentation entitled “Beyond Materialism and Reductionism“ in The Awakened Campus Global Initiative Conference in November 29-30, 2022 at Columbia University. Zsolnai argued that today’s mainstream social practices and the professions are based on strong materialist and reductionist assumptions. He showed that spiritually informed social practices can lead to better and more satisfying results than materialist and reductionist models of current mainstream practices. Zsolnai called for whole person education, that is,… Read More »Beyond Materialism & Reductionism

                Slow Life – Slow Business

                  The Ludwig Museum in Budapest and the Business Ethics Center of Corvinus University of Budapest organized an online international workshop on “Slow Life – Slow Business” on March 18, 2022 15.00 – 17.30 (CET). It was part of the TRANS-GENERATIVES 2030 program of UNESCO Chair in Art and Science of Sustainable Development Goals at ICN Business School, Nancy. The workshop is based on and develop further the “SLOW LIFE. Radical Practices of the Everyday” exhibition… Read More »Slow Life – Slow Business

                  Lecturing On Frugal Consumption in Los Angeles

                    On November 19, 2021, Laszlo Zsolnai gave a lecture on “Spiritual Humanism – The Case for Frugal Consumption” in the “Corporate Social Responsibility and Good Governance” course of the Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo, Los Angeles. In his lecture Zsolnai discussed the problems of the dominating overconsumption patterns of Western societies, namely welfare malaises, global inequality, and ecological overshot. He argued for frugal consumption that can be characterized as (i) mindful (as it serves… Read More »Lecturing On Frugal Consumption in Los Angeles

                    The Business of Happiness and Wellbeing

                      Laszlo Zsolnai gave a lecture in the “Happiness Talk Series” of Rekhi Centre for The Science of Happiness at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur on October 30, 2021. He introduced the Western (Aristotelian) and the Eastern (Buddhist) conceptions of happiness and discussed the contemporary approaches to wellbeing. He argued that the purpose of the firm should be redefined. Instead of maximizing profit, firms should maximize the wellbeing of all the stakeholders. He presented cases… Read More »The Business of Happiness and Wellbeing