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Business Ethics Center

30 Years of the Business Ethics Center

    On December 4, 2023 we celebrated the 30th Anniverary of the Business Ethics Center of Corvinus University of Budapest. Presentations included  “Wise Governance for Sustainable Performance and Stakeholder Capitalism” by Mike Thompson (Anthesis, London) and “Interdisciplinary Business Ethics with Genuine Moral Commitment” by  Laszlo Zsolnai (Corvinus University of Budapest). The 30 Year Report of the Business Ethics Center can be seen here: BEC-30-years low resolution

    The Awakened Campus Global Initiative

      Columbia University Spirituality, Mind, Body Institute, the European SPES Institute, Leuven, and the Business Ethics Center of Corvinus University of Budapest organize an international online conference on The Awakened Campus Global Initiative in November 29-30, 2022. The aim of the conference is to create a collaborative global network of higher education institutions to integrate spirituality in their activities. The overall goal is to help the formation of spiritual awareness of students, faculty and university leaders… Read More »The Awakened Campus Global Initiative

      Annual Report 2021

        The Annual Report 2021 summarizes the main projects and activities of the Busness Ethics Center of Corvinus University of Budapest. BEC-Newsletter-2021-

        Annual Report 2020

          The Annual Report 2020 summarizes the main projects and activities of the Busness Ethics Center of Corvinus University of Budapest. Business Ethics Center – Annual Report 2020

          Fight in the Artic

            For millennia, a thick layer of sea ice has defended the pristine, beautiful and utterly unique marine world of the Artic waters around Svalbard, in the Barents Sea. But global warming is melting the ice and industrial fishing has started moving in, leaving a trail of destruction behind. Svalbard’s seas hold some of the last pristine environments left on earth, home to some of our planet’s most incredible and mysterious creatures which thrived in this… Read More »Fight in the Artic