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The Human Potential

    Anikó Zsolnai and I published a book in Hungarian entitled “The Human Potential – Jozsef Zsolnai’s Pedagogy” (Az emberi potential. Zsolnai József pedagógiája. 2023. Savaria University Press.)

    The book documents the pedagogical concepcion of our father, Professor Jozsef Zsolnai (1935-2011) which aimed at the total development of values and capabilities of children and young adults.

    We summarized the Zsolnai’s pedagogy as follows.

    The basic postulate of the Zsolnai’s pedagogy:
    (1) The task of pedagogy is to develop of the full human potential inherent in every child.

    The axioms of Zsolnai’ pedagogy:
    (2) Children’s development must begin at the earliest stage of life.
    (3) Children must be introduced to the entirety of human culture.
    (4) The introduction of human culture to children must be carried out in an individualized and creative way.
    (5) In order to fulfill his or her role as a helper, the teacher must also be a creative person.
    (6) The development of human potential requires a supportive pedagogical environment.

    The conclusion of the Zsolnai’s pedagogy:
    (7) A society that does not deal with the full development of the human potential inherent in every child cannot develop and is doomed to stagnation. (See