The Princeton University Faith and Work Initiative, the European SPES Institute – Leuven, and the Business Ethics Center of Corvinus University of Budapest jointly organize a webinar series on Humanities for Business in 11–16 October 2021.
The program presents the grand traditions of the Humanities as an untapped resource for business-world problems. In a time where the Humanities are viewed as in decline or in threat of collapse altogether, the webinars will enact and extend the best of the Humanities toward prevailing challenges within the complex realities of our current cultural moment. Topics include values, trust, responsibility, ethics, leadership, self-realization, spirituality, narrative, literature, music, and the arts in relation with and applied to current business challenges.
Objectives of the webinar series are as follows.
(1) To understand how the humanities can contribute to the renewal of business and other human professions through deep existential-spiritual questioning.
(2) To develop a broader view of the purpose of human life alongside today’s social and ecological challenges.
(3) To improve human creativity and sensitivity in facing big ethical dilemmas in personal and professional life.