Henri-Claude de Bettignies & Mike Thompson (eds.) Leadership, Spirituality and the Common Good. East and West Approaches. Garant, Antwerpen/Apeldoorn, 2009. (This book may be available at: European SPES Forum)

Leadership, Spirituality and the Common Good. East and West Approaches
The authors of the book believe that the European and Asian traditions of spirituality provide rich resources for world seeking to rediscover the Common Good. The particular focus of this Cahier is on the need for responsible leaders who understand and accept their responsibility to steward the resources in their care for the good of their organisation and for the Common Good. Such leaders will have developed the capacity to integrate the economic, the social and the environmental realms and inspire trust in their organisational communities through the quality of their character and spirit.
Leadership, Spirituality and the Common Good: East and West Approaches presents the thinking of eight authors who explored this topic at a gathering of academics and business people at a conference held at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in Shanghai in October 2008.
- Business Spirituality and the Common Good (Luk Bouckaert)
- Spiritual Leadership in Business: Perspectives from Christianity and Hinduism (François Lépineux & Jean-Jeacques Rosé)
- Operationalising the Common Good in Business through Leadership and Spirituality (Mike J. Thompson)
- The Significance of the Classical Chinese Philosophy to the Common Good of Our Time (Yang Hengda)
- Spiritual Empowerment and the Ignation Tradition (Benoît Vermander s.j.)
- Serving the Common Good (Stephen Rothlin)
- Identitical Pitfalls for East and West (Gerrit De Vylder)
- Compassionate Leadership as an expression of the Common Good (Hendrik Opdebeeck)