Luk Bouckaert & Johanan Eynikel (eds.) Imagine Europe. The Search for European Identity and Spirituality. Garant, Antwerpen/Apeldoorn, 2009. (This book may be available at: European SPES Forum)

Imagine Europe. The Search for European Identity and Spirituality
Authors of the book share the idea of Europe as a space of unity-in-diversity based on relations of reciprocity and fraternity. They see it as Europe’s mission to enlarge its post-war idea of peace and integration into a global action. Even though the European Union started in the sphere of economics, it was from the beginning more than economics. Therefore this cahier calls for a stronger sense of spiritual commitment and moral imagination in Europe. It refers to a new generation of business leaders inspired by the paradigm of spirit-centered entrepreneurship.
The search for European identity
- Europe and the Idea of a Civil Economy (Stefano Zamagni)
- Rosmini’s Socio-economic Personalism and the Soul of Europe (Carlos Hoevel)
- A New Spirit of Europe (Edy Korthals Altes)
- Contemporary Europeans’ Sense of Belonging (Rafal Riedel)
- An Imaginable Europe (Jochanan Eynikel)
Spirituality in European business
- Doing Business Ethics in Europe (Luk Bouckaert)
- The Spirit-driven Organization (Gerrit Broekstra)
- Beyond the Spiritual: the Common Good Model of CSR (Yuliya Shcherbinina and Helen Alford)
- Light from India. Europe’s Search for Indian Economic Wisdom (Gerrit De Vylder)
- Spirituality as Connectivity: a new business experience (Sesto Giovanni Castagnoli)