Antonio Tencati, Francesco Perrini, Nel Hofstra, & Laszlo Zsolnai ‘Engaging in Progressive Enterpreneurship.’ , in The Future International Manager: A Vision of the Roles and Duties of Management, eds. Laszlo Zsolnai, and Antonio Tencati, Palgrave, 2009. (This book may be available at: Amazon)
Shareholder value maximization and competitiveness are at the core of today’s business and economic policy. Companies seek to improve their productivity and try to gain competitive advantage. But these efforts often produce negative effects on various stakeholders at home and abroad. Competitiveness in most cases produces monetary results for the shareholders at the expense of other stakeholders.
To manage business in today’s complex environment requires responsible managers. The responsible manager can be characterized as having an ability to take multiple perspectives and make optimal balances across diverse value dimensions. The responsible manager enters into genuine dialogue with diverse stakeholders and communicates the company’s policies and practices honestly and effectively. He or she aims to exercise trusteeship, trying to increase the total values assets of the organization, instead of only maximizing the financial return on investments.