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Caring Management in the New Economy – Socially Responsible Behaviour Through Spirituality

    Ora Setter & Laszlo Zsolnai (Eds.): Caring Management in the New Economy – Socially Responsible Behaviour Through Spirituality. Palgrave, London, 2019. (This book may be available at Palgrave) This edited book frames a new ethos of management that cares for society, future generations and nature whilst also serving the interests of business and the wider community. Employing the practical wisdom of faith traditions, the chapters develop the use of spirituality as a resource for creating… Read More »Caring Management in the New Economy – Socially Responsible Behaviour Through Spirituality

    The Routledge International Handbook of Spirituality in Society and the Professions

      Laszlo Zsolnai & Bernadette Flanagan (Eds.): The Routledge International Handbook of Spirituality in Society and the Professions. Routledge, London and New York, 2019. (This book may be available at…) Increasingly, it is being recognized that spirituality, defined here as “a multiform search for a transcendent meaning of life that connects them to all living beings and brings them in touch with God or ‘Ultimate Reality,’” is an aspect of almost every sphere and aspect… Read More »The Routledge International Handbook of Spirituality in Society and the Professions

      For Genuine Business Ethics

        Laszlo Zsolnai (Ed.): For Genuine Business Ethics. Business Ethics Center, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, 2018. This book summarizes the 25 years work of the Business Ethics Center of the Corvinus University of Budapest. Main findings include the following: Economic behavior is multifaceted and context-dependent. Two major factors determine the ethicality of economic behavior: the moral character of the actor and the relative cost of ethical behavior. The fairness of procedures is a major determinant of… Read More »For Genuine Business Ethics

        Economic Objects and the Objects of Economics

          Peter Rona & Laszlo Zsolnai (Eds.): Economic Objects and the Objects of Economics. Springer, 2018. (This book may be available at This book examines the nature of economic objects that form the subject matter of economics, and studies how they resemble or differ from the objects studied by the natural sciences. It explores the question of whether economic objects created by modern economics  sufficiently represent economic reality, and confronts the question whether tools, techniques… Read More »Economic Objects and the Objects of Economics

          Ethics, Meaning, and Market Society

            Laszlo Zsolnai: Ethics, Meaning, and Market Society. Routledge, New York, 2018. (This book may be available at Routledge) This book explores the underlying causes of the pervasive dominance of ‘unethics’ in contemporary affairs in economics, business, and society. It is argued that the state of unethics is related to the overexpansion of market and market values in all spheres of social life and human activities. A correlate of this development is the emergence of an… Read More »Ethics, Meaning, and Market Society

            Economics as a Moral Science

              Peter Rona & Laszlo Zsolnai (Eds.): Economics as a Moral Science. Springer, 2017. (This book may be available at: Springer) The book is an attempt to reclaim economics as a moral science. It argues that ethics is a relevant aspect of all levels of economic activity, from individual and organizational to societal and global. Taking ethical considerations into account is needed in explaining and predicting the behavior of economic agents as well as in evaluating and designing… Read More »Economics as a Moral Science

              Integral Ecology and Sustainable Business

                Ove Jakobsen & Laszlo Zsolnai (Eds.): Integral Ecology and Sustainable Business. Emerald, 2017. (This book may be available at Emerald) This collection addresses the relationship between business, the natural environment, ethics, and spirituality. While traditional economic theory generally assumed firms maximize profits, it has long been acknowledged that other factors may be important to understanding firm activities. The role of ethics and spirituality in society is clearly significant, yet economists have traditionally had little to… Read More »Integral Ecology and Sustainable Business

                Progressive Business Models: Creating Sustainable and Pro-social Enterprise

                  Eleanor O’Higgins & Laszlo Zsolnai (Eds.): Progressive Business Models: Creating Sustainable and Pro-social Enterprise. Palgrave-Macmillan, London, 2017. (This book may be available at Palgrave) The book collects and analyzes 11 exemplary cases of progressive business. Progressive business is understood as ecologically sustainable, future respecting and pro-social enterprise. The collected cases aim to show the best to be expected from business in the 21st century. The purpose of each case chapter is to delineate the business… Read More »Progressive Business Models: Creating Sustainable and Pro-social Enterprise

                  Ethical Leadership. Indian and European Spiritual Approaches

                    Madhumita Chatterji & Laszlo Zsolnai (Eds.): Ethical Leadership. Indian and European Spiritual Approaches. Palgrave-Macmillan, 2016. (This book may be available at: Palgrave) Addressing issues of human values, ethics, spirituality and leadership in business the authors of this volume create a dialogue and interchange between Indian and European cultural traditions. Topics include spiritual orientations to business in Hindu, Buddhist and Christian traditions; the effect of spirituality upon contemporary leadership theories; sustainable business models in India and Europe and… Read More »Ethical Leadership. Indian and European Spiritual Approaches

                    Post-Materialistic Business: Spiritual Value-Orientation in Renewing Management

                      Laszlo Zsolnai Post-Materialistic Business: Spiritual Value-Orientation in Renewing Management. Palgrave, 2015. (This book may be available at Palgrave ) The book presents a spiritual-based approach to business and management. It uses pluralistic view of spirituality and provides a number of inspiring cases of alternative organizations which go beyond the materialistic mindset of business and serve the common good of society, nature, and future generations. The cases cover different spiritual traditions (Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Anthroposophy, and Buddhism), different… Read More »Post-Materialistic Business: Spiritual Value-Orientation in Renewing Management