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Buddhist Economics

Happiness and the Economy: The Ideas of Buddhist Economics

    Laszlo Zsolnai (Ed.): Happiness and the Economy: The Ideas of Buddhist Economics. Typotex, Budapest, 2010. (This book may be available at Typotex) This book published in Hungarian presents new insights of Buddhist ethics applied to economics and business. Buddhism suggests an approach to economic life, which is radically different from what mainstream Western economics offers. Buddhism promotes want negation and selfless service of others for achieving happiness, peace and permanence. These ideas might seem irrational… Read More »Happiness and the Economy: The Ideas of Buddhist Economics

    Sustainability and Sufficiency: Economic Development in a Buddhist Perspective

      Laszlo Zsolnai edited a special issue for Society and Economy (2007 No. 2) entitled “Sustainability and Sufficiency: Economic Development in a Buddhist Perspective.” The volume includes selected papers presented in the “Economics with a Buddhist Face” conference from August 23-24, 2007, in Budapest. In his paper “Buddhism and the Transformation to Sustainable Economies,” Peter Daniels (Griffith School of Environment, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia) provided an overview of theoretical and practical synergies between the worldview of Buddhism and the concept of… Read More »Sustainability and Sufficiency: Economic Development in a Buddhist Perspective

      Economics with Buddhist Face

        The Business Ethics Center and the East-West Research Institute of the Budapest Buddhist University  held the 1st Conference of the Buddhist Economics Research Platform under the title “Economics with a Buddhist Face” from August 23-24, 2007 in Budapest. In the conference, 40 participants attended representing Australia, Hungary, Indonesia, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Thailand, the UK and the USA. Economics with Buddhist Face

        Business within Limits: Deep Ecology and Buddhist Economics

          Laszlo Zsolnai & Knut J. Ims (Eds.): Business within Limits: Deep Ecology and Buddhist Economics. Peter Lang, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2006. (This book may be available at Amazon) The book aims to explore the Deep Ecology perspective and Buddhist Economics for transforming business toward a more ecological and human form. Business is an existential enterprise because its decisions and policies greatly influence the fate and survival of nature,… Read More »Business within Limits: Deep Ecology and Buddhist Economics