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Alternative Development for India and for the Rest of the World

    Alternative Development for India and for the Rest of the World

    Alternative Development for India and for the Rest of the World

    The Center for Ethics of University of Antwerp and the European SPES Institute organized a European SPES workshop at the Antwerp Management School on December 17, 2016 in Antwerp, Belgium.  At the workshop Laszlo Zsolnai presented the book Ethical Leadership: Indian and European Spiritual Approaches (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2016). He argued that alternative development models are needed for India and the rest of the world. India and Europe should embrace their own noble traditions and seek to cross-fertilize one another to foster a state of sustainability, peace and well-being. The key is to overcome the pre-existing dominantly materialistic value orientation of society and the ego-centeredness of individuals and thereby come closer to a state of transcendence and oneness.

    Alternative Development for India and for the Rest of the World